January 3, 2011

Is That... Snow??

Source: sajcfan's Instagr.am: (http://instagr.am/p/3PFw/)

The most peculiar thing happened in Vegas last night and early morning. It snowed, like "OH MY GOD, THERE'S SNOW FALLING IN FRONT OF MY WINDOW!" It's not the first time I've seen snow but it's so rare to see it without driving up to Mt. Charleston. Needless to say, our cats were very excited to see snow flurries flying about.

I stepped out in my furry pilot cap, 2 long-sleeved shirts underneath a winter coat, jeans and black snow boots. I didn't do my daily rant of "It's so COLD!" because I was too busy smiling, watching it gently fall around me as I was walking. And then it hit me as soon as I saw my car, covered heavily in snow: I have to go to work through this today :(

Expect a comic influenced by this experience later on this week... Thought it might be delayed because of CES 2011!

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