January 3, 2011

2011 International CES, January 6-9

CES is about to hit Las Vegas, NV which will be from Thursday, Jan 6 to Sunday, Jan 9.

We're only going for two or three days, but all sorts of events are going to be happening all this weekend. The major one, which we are attending, (for free!!) is the 2011 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) which is an industry only event so it's closed to the public, and the second event, which is right next door to CES is the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo (AEE 2011).

Electronics + Porn = Fun stuff, eh? We'll be seeing a sea of people with either CES or AEE badges (maybe both!). We'd love to go to the AEE also but it cost a lot of $$$, so unless one of our dear friends wins big on the Roulette table and pays for both of us, we'll be at CES. But who knows, the week just started and both CES and AEE are only a few days away. :)

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