January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Source: spamula27's Instagr.am: (http://instagr.am/p/1-Ef/)

Hey there!! Happy 2011!! Hope you are all enjoying the start of the new year!! I'm stuck somewhere in a dark cave while kids wearing monster hats and horns are having a lightsaber fight and bigger kids are in a food coma after we murdered this giant stuffed ham...

NYE was spent in the fab Las Vegas strip. I was in the freezing cold strip with the mass crowd while sajcfan was warm in the underground of the strip. Two seperate places but almost the same. I don't think I'll be going to the strip again for NYE so I say we plan a Disney trip for the next NYE.;)

The new year presents itself with a fresh start now with more new, fresher ideas in which we have a lot planned to post up. Please stay with us as we get everything in order since the holiday chaos is almost over. I think you'll like some of the things we have in store for you this year. Btw, do you guys like stickers and buttons?

Have an awesome new year!!!

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