February 14, 2011

The Amazing Spider-Man

It seems like it was only yesterday when fans collectively laughed/cringed as Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) walked down the street as an Emo Bad-Ass, complete with his own theme music. The audience was left wondering how Sony and Sam Raimi could possibly follow up after that mess. Talks of Spider-Man 4 was quickly shot down when Sony decided to do a reboot instead, focusing on Peter Parker's high school years and Gwen Stacy, the other girl in Parker's lovelife.

Now here we are, with a brand new actor, (Andrew Garfield, fresh from his success with The Social Network), a new costume design (it has web shooters) and a brand new title to go with the official image:

The Amazing Spider-Man

Personally, I think there should have been more time before the reboot. The trilogy is still fresh on our minds, thanks to the FX Network airing the reruns. Remember Joel Schumacher's Batman & Robin? Everybody else did after watching Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins eight years later. Nonetheless, we'll still watch it and when it gets wildly successful, it'll become a trilogy. We know how this goes, just don't make it a habit, ok Hollywood?

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